Hello Students and Parents
I hope your Thanksgiving week is off to a relaxing start. I'm just reaching out with some upcoming dates and details to get us from now until the end of the semester.
December 1st - deadline to respond to the spring trip. Please refer to Mrs. Foltz's previous announcement for details.
December 3rd - Woodwinds and Percussion Phase 1 region auditions at Rock Hill HS. Auditions begin at 5pm. Transportation will not be provided. Performance times will vary but we will not have that info until right before the audition.
December 5th - Brass Phase 1 region auditions at Prosper HS. Auditions begin at 5pm. Transportation will not be provided. Performance times will vary but we will not have that info until right before the audition.
December 7th - Phase 2 region auditions at Emerson HS. Auditions begin at 1pm. Transportation will not be provided. This date is for advancing members from the previous week's auditions and some unphased instruments. Â
December 9th - 9th grade region auditions at Heritage HS. Auditions begin at 5pm. Transportation will not be provided.
Please ask your student for detailed information about these dates and their specific requirements. It can seem complicated for new parents. Your children know what's happening and can help you navigate the region audition process. You can also email me at reina@friscoisd.org and I can help you with specifics. Â
December 11th - CHS Band Holiday Concert. Concert begins at 7pm in the CHS Auditorium. Students should wear Holiday Formal. Â
Thanks as always for your support. Have a great holiday.